Where I Stand

Utah is—and must remain—a great place to LIVE, LEARN, and WORK.  I will champion policies that promote the interconnected priorities of our ECONOMY, our SCHOOLS, and our QUALITY OF LIFE.

    • I believe that clean, breathable air is key to our quality of life, our health, our tourism and our enjoyment of our beautiful Utah outdoors.

    • I will back reasonable efforts to cut emissions from vehicles, industries, and power plants.

    • Collaboration with local governments, businesses, and environmental groups can enhance air quality standards and monitoring.

    • We must empower parents, teachers, and students with the resources they need to create exceptional learning experiences for our students.

    • As a father of school-aged kids I will support funding for public education in Utah. We must continue to attract, retain and reward the very best teachers.

    • I will promote accountability and transparency in the use of education dollars.

    • As a Chief Financial Officer in my day-job I continuously work to get the most of each dollar.  I believe we can both lower taxes and get more done—by spending our tax dollars more efficiently and on the most important and impactful projects.

    • I support reforms that increase the responsiveness and efficiency of government while rooting out corruption, waste, and abuse of public funds and trust.

    • I uphold the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and fiscal responsibility.

    • I will work to represent the people of Sandy.  I will hold a quarterly town hall where you can meet with me in-person or online to share your views and to hold me accountable to represent District 42.

    • I will propose and support legislation that recognizes the ecological, economic, and cultural importance of the Great Salt Lake and its wetlands.

    • I will continue to emphasize to fellow lawmakers the importance of the “Lake Effect” on the snow levels we receive in our canyons which directly impact our water supply and tourism.

    • I will support water conservation and management practices that balance the needs of agriculture, industry, and urban areas.

    • I will join Sandy residents in opposing the LCC Gondola project, protecting the Wasatch Mountains' beauty and resources from overdevelopment.

    • I will advocate for alternative transportation solutions that are more cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and respectful of property rights.

    • I will support policies that responsibly increase the supply of housing options for Utahns of all income levels—but not to the detriment of existing homeowners and their property values and rights.

    • I will encourage private sector innovation and investment in affordable housing development and preservation.

    • I will oppose excessive regulations and taxes that drive up the cost of housing and limit consumer choice.

    • I will support smart growth principles that foster economic development, livability, and sustainability.

    • I promise to respect the rights and preferences of local communities in planning and zoning decisions.

    • I will encourage infrastructure improvements and public services that meet the needs and expectations of a growing population to help us maintain our quality of life.

    • I support a comprehensive and compassionate approach to addressing homelessness in Utah which accounts for mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training, and supportive housing services, and preserving human dignity.

    • I support evidence-based, outcome-oriented solutions, not handouts nor incentives which will bring more homeless to Utah.  Data must be collected—and the data must show worthwhile outcomes for programs to continue to receive funding.

    • I will encourage partnerships with nonprofit organizations, faith-based groups, and private donors to leverage resources and expertise.

    • I firmly believe that life at every stage is precious and worth defending.  I will always vote Pro-Life and for policies that provide resources for adoption services and for the health and wellness of new mothers and babies.  

    • With the reversal of Roe v. Wade, abortion policy will increasingly be handled at the state level.